
Rwanda Builds Labour Migration Management Capacity to Fight Unemployment

Kigali - IOM has organized a three-day workshop on labour migration management in Kigali, the Rwandan capital, for government officials, private sector managers and civil society organizations.

The aim of the training, organized in partnership with Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) and the private sector, was to enhance their capacity to manage labour migration.

The workshop was organized amid growing concern of high unemployment rates in Kigali and other urban areas in Rwanda, which now stands at 13 per cent. Unemployment among Rwandans with only primary education is now estimated at 61 per cent, according to the country’s National Institute of Statistics.

The 20 participants discussed key labour migration management issues, including the concept of migration and development, protection of migrants, the recruitment of migrant workers, information dissemination, social welfare, integration and the labour migration policy development process.

The workshop identified roles and responsibilities among stakeholders and offered technical and policy guidance, as well as networking opportunities.

“This training is the first of its kind for Rwanda, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from government, trade unions, employers’ associations, and civil society organizations to discuss labour migration issues affecting Rwanda,” said IOM Regional Labour Migration and Development Specialist Jo Rispoli.

“When properly managed, labour migration management has far-reaching potential to enhance migrants’ well-being, as well as contribute to development of their communities, their countries of origin and destination,” he noted.

Under the IOM-funded Strengthening Labour Migration Management in Rwanda project, IOM will support MIFOTRA in its migration management efforts through development of policy frameworks, protection mechanisms and information systems.

IOM will also organize a study tour for Rwandan government officials and other stakeholders to Mauritius next month to share best practices and lessons learned, followed by a workshop in November to draw a labour migration road map.

For more information, please contact

Alice Karara
IOM Rwanda
Tel.  +250 252 586710 / 788 389723

SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities