IOM’s activities relating to emergency and post-emergency operations assistance focus on four phases of emergency intervention: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. IOM Rwanda, in partnership with ONE UN and the Government of Rwanda, particularly engages in programmes that decrease the community’s vulnerability to disasters and climate related threats by promoting access to off-farm livelihood skills development and livelihood diversification to broaden income generation options of vulnerable households. These programmes contain trainings of disaster management and vocational training that cover a variety of vocations from which the beneficiaries could choose, such as carpentry, masonry, food processing, weaving, knitting and shoe making. IOM Rwanda has also implemented several projects to improve the living conditions of displaced families by providing WASH services (water, sanitation and hygiene) and shelter assistance. 

IOM’s activities relating to emergency and post-emergency operations assistance focus on four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. In partnership with ONE UN and the Government, IOM engages in programmes that decrease the community’s vulnerability to disasters and climate related threats by promoting access to off-farm livelihood skills development and livelihood diversification to broaden income generation options of vulnerable households. These programmes contain trainings of disaster management and vocational trainings. IOM Rwanda has also implemented several projects to improve the living conditions of vulnerable families by providing WASH services (water, sanitation and hygiene) and shelter assistance.